Usefathom vs Google Analytics: What’s the difference?

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When you have a website, it is important to understand how visitors use it. This can help you improve your website and increase your conversion rate. Unfortunately, many people now have to remove Google Analytics due to the decision of the Data Protection Authority this year (as well as in other European countries). In this article, we compare Google Analytics and Usefathom.

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While Google Analytics is the most widespread and used by most websites, Usefathom is a relatively new tracking service focusing on privacy and simplicity. In this article, we will look at some of the benefits of using Usefathom instead of Google Analytics.

Focus on privacy

One of the biggest differences between Usefathom and Google Analytics is the focus on privacy. Google Analytics collects a lot of data about the website’s visitors, including personally identifiable information such as IP addresses and cookies that are stored in the United States. Although Google has a strong focus on privacy, there is still a risk that this data could be used to harm visitors’ privacy.

Usefathom, on the other hand, does not collect personally identifiable information or use cookies. This allows users to feel safer and trust that their website visits are not being tracked in an invasive way.

Easy to use

Usefathom is also easier to use than Google Analytics. While Google Analytics has many features and options, this can make the service overwhelming for new users. Usefathom, on the other hand, has a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy for users to find the data they need.

Faster data update

Another advantage of Usefathom is that the data is updated faster than in Google Analytics. This means that users can access real-time data about visitors’ activity on the website, which can help them make better decisions in real-time.

Lower costs

Google Analytics can be expensive for larger companies (for those with external consultants, employees, etc., to run the program) even though the program itself is free to use, depending on the number of page views and functions used. Usefathom is affordable and offers an acceptable pricing plan for users with less website traffic.

Better focus on core functions

Another advantage of Usefathom is that the service focuses on the core functions of web analytics, such as the number of visits, page views, source and conversions. This means you won’t be overwhelmed by unnecessary features and data irrelevant to their needs.


While Google Analytics is a widespread and popular web analytics service, Usefathom is an increasingly popular alternative that focuses on privacy, and we recommend testing it out for free here.

Need help removing Google Analytics and installing a more GDPR-friendly tool? Contact us; we can help you.

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